Hello Campers,
Just wanted to update everyone to clarify our position for not opening the campground during the Provincial Emergency Stay At Home Order.
Many people are debating as to why some Campgrounds are opening and some are not. Some Campgrounds are opening because the interpretation to the Emergency Order states, “can open if you have a seasonal contract”. This statement is open for interpretation thus, Camping in Ontario has stated that anyone who possesses a season contract can stay at their trailer however, they must self-isolate for 14 days at their trailer. If they leave their trailer for any reason, they may not return for 14 days. Upon which they must again must self-isolate for 14 days. These are Government regulated requirements.
We cannot see this working. So many will travel Friday night and camp till Sunday. Upon which they will return home and defy all Government regulations regarding travel, self- isolation and quarantine requirements.
We prefer to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.
Thank you for your understanding. See you soon.

Ron & Lori Grant