Hello Campers,
Just wanted to update everyone on a few questions that have come up recently.
We have pursued answerers from Government Agencies and are doing are best we can to interpret the information available. Please continue to be patient as we navigate through this Stay at Home Order.
Question 1) If we are able to come to our site for 24 hours or less, how long before we can come again to attend to our site?
Answer: Nothing has been defined, however, we will interpret that you may return after a minimum of 1 week.
Question 2) Can we walk our pets or walk for exercise?
Answer: Yes, you can walk pets or for exercise. This is deemed essential under the current Stay at Home Order Guidelines.
Question 3) Can our children swim or play on beach, etc. Can our children bike around?
Answer: ALL amenities are closed until further notice (only washrooms and showers are open). Children can bike around as long as a parent accompanies them.
Question 4) If we stay for a 14 day period, can we leave to go to work?
Answer: You may leave for anything essential and come back to your site. You should not go anywhere non-essential, or go back to primary residence overnight.
Question, 5) Is the store open?
Answer: No, however, the curbside window is available for paperwork and payments. The entry gate is manual access only until the Stay at Home Order expires. The exit gate is still automatic. Only come during business hours please.
** NOTE, under all circumstances, you cannot mix or mingle with any other persons within the Campground. Masks must be worn in washrooms, and proper social distancing required. Children are to accompany YOU on your site and not with other children from another household. Hopefully this will loosen up after June 2nd.
If you have any questions, we will do our best to answer or get answers. Lets all work together and get through this.
Ron and Lori Grant